Trusted guidance & proven tools to launch world-class projects
Project Launch
If you're looking for:
Guidance to organize and make decisions:
This way of working, works
Over the course of 3-4 sessions, we move from blue sky ideas, into space planning and programming, then scenario budgeting and charting a path forward.
Advising Offers
1 Month Sprint
Ready to pull your ideas together?
Launch your project with a 1 Month Sprint, to assess where you're at, answer questions, and determine what needs to be done to get you where you want to go.
Over these 3 sessions, we will focus on:
Defining design and business goals and vision for your project.
Financial planning and analysis (FP&A): Balancing initial investment and return.
Building Issues: LOI & leases, finding spaces, what to look out for, construction red flags, etc.
Project strategy: How to organize your team, who's needed, when they're needed, and cash flow.
(3) 60 min 1-1 sessions with Chris
Access to customizable digital tools ($500 value)
Access to upcoming webinars & workshops ($99+/ea value)
Access to library of past webinars ($99+/ea value)
Access to weekly advising office hour
Limited number of spaces available each month
Up to $1,500 to be deducted from future engagements
Quick Launch Session
Looking for some quick answers, organizational help, and access to customizable digital tools?
Book a Quick Launch Session to get expert feedback, figure out next steps, dig into where you're at, and discuss what's needed to bring your building project to life.
(1) 90 min 1-1 session with Chris
Access to customizable digital tools ($500 value)
Access to upcoming webinars & workshops ($99+/ea value)
Access to library of past webinars ($99+/ea value)
Limited number of spaces available each month
Up to $1,500 to be deducted from future engagements
Clients opened 9 new facilities in the last 3 years.
Current projects valued at over $90m.
Helped 4 businesses open first location in the last 3 years.
Helped 1 business franchise their model.
Helped 7 businesses raise funds to build in the last 3 years.
Opened 17 climbing and dedicated work/ play facilities.
Worked across 5 continents.
Designed 75+ climbing wall projects over last 20 years.
Over 100 climbing and mixed-use concepts, and test fits.
"There's a lot of benefit to being able to throw our ideas at the wall, then come out the other side with a cohesive idea and direction; a very strong understanding of the position we're in, and where we need to go.
When I first came to you, I had a napkin sketch, and now we have a full team ready to go."
Seung P.
Advising Client
"I feel like I wouldn't be in the process of opening and making it happen without Chris; and the guidance through the development world has been great.
Turning an idea into reality, I attribute a lot of that to your help."
Mark Messner
Founder - Rendezvous Climbing
"The only way through is with manageable bites, and to be coached by somebody who's done this so they know those pain points.
You've provided perfectly, guiding us right through all this... and I feel like it's going to work, if we can dial in everything that's necessary."
Jeremy & Annie K.
Advising Clients
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About Chris
For over 20 years, Chris Ryan has been designing, developing, and building award-winning projects and creating meaningful 3rd spaces that mix work and play, by balancing the people you're serving, the purpose you're sharing, and the profit you need to survive.
His background and experience as a licensed Architect, registered contractor, and commercial development executive over the past two decades mean he knows what it takes to bridge the gap between idea and open doors.
After years spent working for multidisciplinary architecture and design-build companies, learning how to balance design with cost and execution, Chris spent a decade designing next generation climbing gyms across the country.
Today, he pays every lesson learned forward to help his clients build meaningful third(+) spaces that end up firmly at the center of peoples’ lives.
An avid rock climber, surfer, skier, and former national-level competitive athlete, Chris has experienced firsthand how play can profoundly impact our lives.
His work has received national and international design awards, and has been written about in Fast Company and Forbes, and his YouTube channel has over 18,000+ subscribers.
He has taught design, construction, and professional practice courses at Roger Williams University and at Northeastern University, and received his Master of Architecture degree from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.